Requirements Traceability

Requirements Traceability

Link requirements throughout a project lifecycle

As the number and complexity of trace links increases, techniques for traceability visualization become necessary.  With Vitech solutions, you can automatically generate specifications and requirements traceability matrices quickly and confidently at any point throughout a project.

Requirements Traceability

confidence that your documents represent the most current data.

Requirements traceability allows you to:

  • Predict gaps between system domains

    Traceability is key in predicting gaps between system domains, bringing to light anomalies, and allowing multiple parties over time and place to track what is going on. Decisions and risks are recorded in the model along with the data itself. And when an engineer leaves the project? No problem. Everything is in the model.

  • Quickly show how you’ve met requirements

    At milestone review meetings, when senior-level managers ask for details, instead of saying, “We’ll look that up and get back to you,” you can provide the information on the spot by consulting the model. Simply put: traceability allows you to show more quickly how you’ve met requirements.

  • Ensure success on future related projects

    Traceability is also key to the successful execution of future endeavors related to your project. When a system becomes a legacy environment and new components must be integrated—you’ll be able to rely on the model for an accurate record of all aspects of your project. This can save precious months and often years of reverse engineering for systems whose engineers left no trace of design decisions.

  • Uncover anomalies early in the process

    In addition, traceability throughout the design process brings to light anomalies which may otherwise be hidden in assumptions. Traceability allows you to uncover problems and address them before they become serious. And as any engineer worth her salt knows, the earlier you catch an error, the cheaper it is.

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The Vitech solution allows you to do all of the above. With CORE and GENESYS, you can automatically generate specifications and requirements traceability matrices quickly and confidently at any point throughout a project with confidence that your documents represent the most current data.