Interface N2 Diagram

(Available in Base Schema v70 or earlier that contains the Interface class)


The Interface N2 (pronounced "N-squared") diagram represents the logical connections within a system or system segment. Part of the physical architecture representation set, the Interface N2 diagram presents a high-level structured representation of logical connectivity. It is complemented by the physical N2 diagram which presents a high-level view of the physical connectivity between system components. What these diagrams lack in technical detail (and style) of various block diagram representations, they deliver in simplicity and clarity.


The Interface N2 diagram is available for entities in the Component class (as well as any other subclasses of ImplementationUnit).



On an Interface N2 diagram, the child components are shown on the main diagonal forming an N x N matrix of cells. Interfaces that connect a pair of components are shown on the off-diagonal. Since the Interface N2 diagram focuses on logical connection as opposed to directionality, there are no arrows shown on the Interface N2 diagram. Instead, the diagram simply represents who is joined to whom at a logical level.


The lack of directionality means that half of the off-diagonal locations are redundant. If A is joined to B, we know that B is joined to A. Rather than showing this information twice, only the upper half of the diagram is used. The lower off-diagonal cells will be empty by definition.


GENESYS' N2 diagram has been extended to display external interfaces as well. Connections appearing in the right-hand column are interfaces that are either (i) joined to a component not displayed on this diagram or (ii) are not joined to any additional components in the system model. This extension of classic N2 diagrams provides valuable context but can be toggled off, as desired.


A physical N2 diagram displays only the connections at that level (interfaces lower in the decomposition are not displayed). The decomposition of components is not considered when placing an interface in a cell. If an interface is joined to both a component on the diagram and a subcomponent of one of those components, it will be shown as an external interface. This maintains consistency with the various block diagrams.




The order of components on an Interface N2 diagram is the sorted order of the children. If desired, you can manually change and manage the order using the Change Node Position command. This can be useful for clustering analysis.

Diagram Options

In addition to the classic diagram options, the Interface N2 diagram settings include:

Toolbox Insert

The constructs and key entities tabs allow you to quickly develop your Interface N2 diagram, while the all entities tab enables you to relate your components and interfaces to the remainder of your system definition.




Key Entities

All Entities - all classes and entities in the system model, allowing you to drag any entity on top of a diagram node to establish relationships with the balance of your system model

Context Menu Commands

Tips and Tricks